Carnifex Mardi Gras 6
- CARNIFEX MARDI GRAS 6 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book, "CARNIFEX MARDI GRAS," by John F. Carr, published by Pequod Press in 1982.
When I drew this picture my plan was to make the viewer (you) look at the girl first, then at the instrument panels across the top, then at the monitor and the chair behind her. The curved shape of the chair is supposed to make your eyes go back to the girl.
Did my plan work? The chair is pointing back to the girl's veiled face, did your eyes follow it there?
The bottom of the panels on the left side of the drawing are angled upward, back to the girl, and the bottom of the panels on the right side of the picture also curve back to the girl.
The drawing was designed so that no matter where your eyes wander in the picture, lines and shapes are there to make your eyes go back to the girl.
I don't know if my designs really worked on you, but I thought I would let you know that some artists use designs in their compositions intended to direct your eyes to where they want you to focus your attention.

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